The content refers to the last fair in 2024 - it is being prepared for the next one in 2025.

»Education is all a matter of building bridges.« (Ralph Ellison)


Workshops, lectures and interactive training give a soul to our Fairs. They provide professionalism, quality, and variety of programmes and events. They are conducted by the greatest experts and culinary chefs from Slovenia and abroad, whose vision and professional career is also based on the transfer of knowledge and experience.

Throughout the Fairs, workshops and training sessions will be free of charge – participants will be able to renew, supplement, upgrade, or re-learn everything they need to know about making various foods using professional equipment. The program will include the preparation of seafood dishes, Carniola sausage, Viva Italia, Zero waste and more! All the secrets of the great chefs in one place. Only four days a year. The GASTexpo International Specialised Fairs of Tastes 2024.

The workshops will be held under the auspices of the HORECA Centre (on theirs showroom), which is a trade association of Slovenian manufacturers and suppliers of professional equipment for catering, confectionery, ice cream, and bakery industries. They have been operating since 2014 and have successfully set high quality standards and the recognition of catering equipment in Slovenia and abroad.


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