At the GASTexpo Fairs of tastes we will host the 9th open (international) championship “BEST PIZZA CHEF OF SLOVENIA 2022”, which will take place on THURSDAY 24 March 2022, starting at 10 am. Hurry up to register – the number of places is limited!
The championship is open to all pizza chefs and chefs. You can compete as an individual or as a representative of your restaurant.
The applications for the competition are open from February 2022 until the free places are filled. A maximum of 30 competitors can enter the competition. The application fee must be paid no later than 23 March 2022 to the Slovene Association of Chefs and Confectioners (Društvo kuharjev in slaščičarjev Slovenije) – bank account number SI56 0310 5100 0358 915 (open at SKB d.d.). The registration fee for one person is 59,90 € (49,10 € + VAT), the competitor receives a sponsor’s hat and apron.
You can send the application form by post to the address of the competition organizer – Slovene Association of Chefs and Confectioners (Društvo kuharjev in slaščičarjev Slovenije), Ekslerjeva 8, 1241 Kamnik, Slovenia, or by email to